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Structure of the article: how to write correctly


Any article must have structure. Without it, the material will not be coherent. The quality and interest of readers decreases.


An article is a universal piece of writing. It can be written by hand, on a computer, or even on a smartphone. It is published on personal blogs, websites, forums, and in newspapers and magazines.


Articles vary in subject matter and in the tasks for which they are written. But the structure remains the same for all. It consists of a title, an introduction, the main part, and a conclusion.


Article Title


An article always begins with a headline. And every professional in the field is well aware of the importance of a good and correct headline.


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The purpose of headings is to catch the reader's attention. The headline should reveal the topic of the text that comes after it.


It is important to write small headlines. They may include elements such as:


  • question;

  • figures;

  • amplifier words.


Amplifiers are words that get maximum attention. For example, the headline might sound like this: How to catch crabs without special equipment. This is how the article generates interest among those who do not have professional equipment, but want to catch crabs.




With the headline you attracted the reader to open the article. But then you need to create the conditions for him to want to read it in full.


The opening paragraph plays a key role. A person should get an answer to the question, "Why should I read this to the end?


A good idea for an introduction is an interesting, unusual fact, a short but fascinating story. Another option is examples from life, stories of real people, quotes.


Main part of the article


It details the issues for which one began to read the article.


To make the article easy to read, use a few tricks:


  • make small sections;

  • divide the text into paragraphs;

  • Write informative subheadings;

  • use lists;

  • add quotes and attention blocks;

  • insert photos, tables, and graphs.


In one paragraph reveal one thought. This, too, is very important for easy reading and logic in an article.


The final part of the article


Several elements can be used at the end of the article:


  • the conclusion of the main thought from the introduction;

  • a brief reiteration of the main theses;

  • emphasis on the important points of the article;

  • questions for readers;

  • an offer to engage in dialogue;

  • the call to share the link with other people.


And one more important point. When writing an article, don't try to go in sequence. It is better to start with the part that you can easily reveal. And then you can logically fill in the rest of the blocks. It's much easier to write that way.

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